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How do I join Soulara?Updated 4 months ago

Get started with Soulara by signing up here!

Once you click on the link, all you’ll need to do is enter the following details to create an account:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Create a password

Once you complete the registration, you can access your Soulara account and start exploring our menu. You can choose a meal plan that suits your needs and preferences and select a delivery day based on your location. Some areas have limited delivery options, so you will be assigned the available day for your postcode. You can also browse our mouth-watering dishes and pick the ones that appeal to you the most. Whether you crave curries, noodles, pasta, kombucha, or raw desserts, we have something for everyone.

After you make your selections, you will proceed to the payment page where you will see the total amount (including delivery) and the date of your first delivery. That's it! You are ready to enjoy your first week of Soulara meals, delivered fresh and ready to eat at your doorstep.

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