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Getting Started

What is Soulara?

We're your go-to mates for delicious, wholefood, plant-based meals delivered straight to your door. Our crack team of expert chefs and nutritionists work hand in hand to whip up scrumptious meals packed with top-notch plant-based proteins, fresh frui

How do I join Soulara?

Get started with Soulara by signing up here!. Once you click on the link, all you’ll need to do is enter the following details to create an account:. Once you complete the registration, you can access your Soulara account and start exploring our menu

How does Soulara work?

Soulara is a weekly subscription service that delivers nutritious and delicious plant-based meals to your doorstep. You can enjoy the convenience and flexibility of our service, as you only pay weekly and you can pause, skip, or cancel your subscript

Can I order just one delivery of meals and nothing more?

Ordering from our website is easy and convenient. Here's what you need to do:. And you're done!

Do I have a deadline for making changes to my next order?

We want you to enjoy the fresh and tasty meals that we deliver to your doorstep, but we also need some time to make them. That's why we ask you to update your next order by a certain date every week, so we can organise our work and reduce food waste.

Is Soulara a subscription?

Soulara is a subscription-based service that offers you convenience and variety in your plant-based meals. You can enjoy the benefits of our service without any long-term commitment or obligation. You have the freedom to cancel, pause or skip your or

Can I change or cancel my Soulara plan anytime? No commitment required.

Soulara is a flexible service that lets you choose when and how often you want to receive our plant-based meals. You can cancel, skip, or pause your subscription at any time, as long as you do so before the weekly cutoff. We don't require you to comm

How do I order a box?

All you need to do is head over to Soulara - Plant Based Meals Collections. Select the meals to add to your Shopping Basket and Checkout.

Can I customise my meal plan?

Our meals are designed to delight your taste buds with fresh and seasonal ingredients. Every month, we update our menu with new and exciting dishes that you can select from the Meal Planner. Whether you want to try something new or stick to your favo

What is the Dashboard?

The Dashboard is a convenient tool that allows you to access and modify your account information and subscription preferences at any time. You can use the Dashboard to:.